Soul Software presents:

The Ease Plan

Have a back-office that's more like your personal playground, and an app that does most of the marketing for you. We drive your ideal customers into one place so you can stick to doing what you do best; build relationships, live your passion and serve your community.


14 day trial - Start Here

“It's unbelievable how much time

I'm saving,

and how much more fun I am having with my community.”


Yoga Trainer

Have a back-office that's more like your personal playground, and an app that does most of the marketing for you.

We drive your ideal customers into one place so you can stick to doing what you do best; build relationships, live your passion and serve your community.

The Ease Plan Includes

Booking Calendar

Create as many calendars as

you'd like.

  • Easily integrate with your google calendar.
  • Send guests your link, or put it on your website.
  • Get booked - they pick a time and put it on your calendar.
  • Advanced features like unlimited calendars, white labeling, and redirecting your invites are included.

Grow your Community

Become a community host in the premier social platform for conscious people around the world, Body Soul App.

Host unlimited groups, Go Live and grow your community in a space of like-souled members. Because you are a community host you will be in the Body Soul Directory, have a shop within the app to sell to the larger collective, and quarterly advertise your products and services via the main newsfeed.

Keep in touch with your community

  • Includes 250 text messages a month. (Then only .02 for additional texts)
  • unlimited emails
  • unlimited contacts
  • NEW - Facebook messages, emails, and text all in one thread.

Main Benefits of the Ease Plan

All of the one-on-one communicating with each person in one thread.

No more sifting through emails, text messages, and DM to see where your person last communicated with you. Your playground has it all in one place.

A focused community that attracts your people.

Body Soul is attracting thousands of people from all over the world that are consciously tuned in to an abundant way of being. No more sifting through millions. We bring your perfect clients closer to your community's doorstep.

Calendar links

No more paying a la carte. Your calendar is right here for you.

Text messaging

Texting has an 80% open rate, compared to a fraction of people who open their emails. With an unbeatable texting rate and 250 text messages a month included. This is a no-brainer.

Learn More about our other plans

Website Design, Funnels, CRM, Automation plus more!