
Soul Software

a seamless eco-system for


Soul Software


Soul Software

Consolidate all the places that you work to create and engage online!

All in one software

All in one Software

Soul Software has everything you need to start, build, grow and scale your business online.

White Glove Service

We don't know of another platform that will give you the kind of service that we provide. We will connect your domains, and even help you with your first launch!

Advanced Automations

With every good all-in-one platform there needs to be a way for you to focus on your gifts and automate the rest. Our Workflows are the easiest to learn and you'll love the way it will save you time!



Create private groups and have 1on1 channels with your clients. Chat, send & share video. Send files including audios, pdfs, mp4 & more. Create goals, & celebrate milestones together.

Video Calls and Meetings

Host and record unlimited calls and meetings in your private groups and rooms with your clients, potential clients and your teams. (Replaces Zoom or Google Meet)

Host Events & Webinars

With Video Meetings and the group feature hosting virtual events and live webinars are easy in Soul Connect



Soulpreneurs App is a social networking platform dedicated to holding space for love, learning, mindfulness and expansion.

Network and meet potential clients and cohorts from around the globe.

Go Live and be seen and heard by the entire app community.

Be Featured

Members that build community inside Soulpreneurs App are featured as verified members, and are showcased periodically throughout the app.

Unlimited Groups

When you are a Soulpreneurs-Member you can host unlimited groups within the Soulpreneurs App.

Soul Software caters to your business,

community and social needs.

Soul Software Business Center

Create websites, funnels, advanced automations, invoicing, social planning plus more!

websites & Funnels

Websites & Funnels

Unlimited! Build unlimited websites and funnels.


Unlimited! We do not limit the amount of beautiful souls you can attract. We instead, want you to abundantly build your list and feel the freedom to do so.

Emails and Texting

You receive a $10 credit each month. This is equal to 555 text messages or 10k emails per month.

The cool thing is that these accumulate over time, and so if you don't use the credit it will not go away as long as you are an active member. This is like a savings account that adds up and allows you to be ready for your big launch.

This gives you the ability to scale with more ease. We are amongst the lowest per email, and text sending on the market, and you simply pay as you go.

.015 per text and 95 cents per thousand emails.

To give you an idea, these prices are half the price of our competitors like Mailchimp and TextMagic.

Domain Hosting

Unlimited! Register your domain with your favorite registrar like godaddy, namcheap etc. then we host all of them for free!

Advanced Automations

Unlimited!! Create simple or complex email and text nurture campaigns, automate your entire business. Stop doing everything by hand, and let the system do the work.

Transaction fees

Transaction Fees

Soul Software - all websites, products, services, and funnels have a 0% transaction fee.

Soulpreneurs App - Private and Secret groups have 0% for purchases on your website. We work with you, and you get to choose which is best for your business.

Invoicing & Contracts

Unlimited! Send contracts and invoices for one-time and recurring payments.

Stripe & Paypal Integration

We partner with the 2 most trusted payment processing companies. The integration is super simple.

Reputation Management

Your Google and Facebook reviews all in one place. Manage your ratings and easily take those reviews and post them on your website.

Pipelines & Opportunities

FULL CRM - Track your followers, those who attend your live events, webinars, and those who are ready to buy!

appointment calendar

Products & Memberships

UNLIMITED!! We do not restrict how many products, courses or memberships you can build out and sell. We know you're a creator and want you to feel the freedom to build!

Image, PDF, Video Storage

Unlimited!! Store your images, pdfs, and videos up to 50 MB each in your own media library. It's unlimited!

Appointment Calendar

Unlimited!! Create unlimited appointment calendars! Stop paying separately for your appointment links and followups. It's included!

Social planning

Schedule out your instagram, Facebook and Google My Business posts! More social platforms coming soon.

Custom Code

We have gorgeous templates, but if you want a high-end custom look, you or your designer can easily build with custom coding.

Coaching Portal

Coaching Portal
  • 1-on-1 Coaching

  • Group Coaching

  • Video Meetings and Calls

  • Host Webinars

  • Replace Zoom and Google Chat

  • Recordings automatically sent to your clients.

  • Unlimited file storage for your business

  • Unlimited file sharing for you and your clients.

  • Audio recordings

1 on 1 coaching

Invite your clients into Soul Connect and have an encrypted/ safe portal for you and your clients to text, voice message, share files, set goals, share milestones and do video calls. Recorded calls save to the chat automatically.

Private Groups

With Soul Connect you can create unlimited private groups. These groups are encrypted and only you and the people you invite can see them.

Within these groups you can share documents, voice messages, set group goals, milestones and do group video calls right within the group.

Unlimited File Storage

You can now house unlimited files, images, videos within Soul Connect.

Video Meetings

Replace Zoom/ Google Chat with a more streamlined way of connecting with your potential and current clients. You can record your sessions, screen share, share video, share audio, create breakout rooms, chat, react, plus more!

Record Video Sessions

You can record your video meetings! The recording will automatically pop into the group chat of where ever the meeting is held after it has finished processing.

LIVE Webinars

Soul Connect offers a consciously connected way to host LIVE webinars.

When you're ready to host your webinar we can set up connections in the background with the help of Workflows in Soul Software.

There we will automate guests joining your Webinar Group and joining your webinar meeting.

Voice Messaging

Send and receive unlimited voice messages to your clients.

Record your podcasts, your voice-logs, and share your truth with your people.

File Sharing

With unlimited storage, video, audio, image and pdf file storage, this is. a no-brainer for your client share needs.

Tasks, Goals & Milestones

Within each 1to1 message and private group there's a way to set tasks, goals and milestones with yourself and with your people.

Community without the Noise!

Social Channels, Private Groups, Live Video, Networking

Community without the Noise!

Imagine if you had an alternative place other than the mega social platforms to create your premium groups and exclusive spaces. What could that look like? How would that benefit your soul and your business?

We can build your app with you, aid in your launch and even give continual support through API integrations, Zapier and tailoring your client's experience for an enterprise level experience

If you are a coach, teacher, author or leader and want to be a part of larger collective, our Soulpreneurs Spaces App may be a right fit for you. Soulpreneurs Spaces, is where you can curate your own experience for your community without needing to build a new platform.

Our app has the ability to align with your websites, funnels checkout pages and funnels in Soul Software so that way your client has a seamless space to experience your community, your courses and your Live Videos.

The space provides focus, push notifications, a guarantee that your content is in the best algorithm health that ALL of your content will be seen. It is beautifully laid out, It provides a larger community opportunity for your products, communities and courses can be seen and advertised app wide. Soulpreneurs Spaces is unique in that you get to set-up your community, your way.

Connect & Network

We're on a mission to attract those mindful individuals that love conscious living, the laws of attraction and being the best they can be.

Within Soulpreneurs App you can have the social channel you've always dreamed of. Share your growth. Chat with new souls from across our world. Network and share your gifts.

ALL FOR FREE! Download in your favorite App store!

Host Private Groups

When you have a Soul Suite Membership you receive the special benefit to host your own private, secret and premium groups within Soulpreneurs.

No Algorithm confusion

Free marketing with no algorithm hustle.

Free sharing and caring. When you post inside Soulpreneurs there is no competition or guess work on how the algorithm works. Your people will see your posts with no worries of them missing it.

Get Featured: With a Soul Suite Membership you can be featured monthly to our entire app community.

Go Live Anytime

Within Soulpreneurs App you can go live inside your community space.

Create Influence

Create influence on a social media channel that is dedicated to mindfulness, and good people.

Hold Space & Be Held

You don't have to do this alone. Soulpreneurship can be lonely, and we are here to be the great space holders for those that want to create bonds and deepen their relationships. There's nothing like the like, know, and trust that you build when you are. a space holder. When you continually show up, you not only become the influential leader of that space, but you also reap the reward of the friendships, and collaboration opportunities that come with being present with us in the community.

All 3 work synergistically together!

  • Soul Software = Your business center

  • Soul connect = Your coaching portal

  • Soulpreneurs Space = Your intimate social space

All 3 work synergistically together!

Our pricing

Our mission is to create more ease in your Soulpreneur lifestyle. We offer multiple opportunities to meet your needs so you can get to living the life of your dreams.

Our pricing

Soul Software

Compare Plans




per mo. when billed annually

or $99 billed monthly



per mo. when billed annually

or $199 billed monthly



per mo. when billed annually

or $333 billed monthly

$1055 per year = $88 per mo.

$1990 per year = $166 per mo.

$3330 per year = $277 per mo.

0 Transaction Fees

Unlimited Service, Digital, Courses & Physical Products

Custom templates

Unlimited Websites

Unlimited Landing Pages

Unlimited Contacts

Unlimited Customers

Unlimited Forms

Email Marketing

  • Unlimited with your own STMP provider.

  • Or use ours (0.000945 per email) and apply your $10 free data credits.

Chat Support

$10 Monthly Data Credits for:

  • Content AI

  • Text Messaging

  • Emails

  • Phone Service

That's Aapproximately 632 texts or 588 mins in calls or over 10k emails or 74,075 AI words

(Text rates may differ as per region.)

Unlimited Funnels with

Plug & Play Templates

Advanced Automations

Affiliate Manager


Social Media Planner

Unlimited Online Appointments

Unlimited Courses and Products


All Reporting

Soul Connect

  • Unlimited Login Video Meets

  • Unlimited Participants

  • Unlimited Video Recording

  • Unlimited Task Management

Evergreen Webinar Hosting

QUICK 1 to 1 Video Meetings

White Glove Service

(These are free services that we do for you)

  • Hook your registered domain to Soul Software and connect your first website or funnel.

  • Set-up your white-labeled email domain to the system.

  • Import your contacts into the system.

1 on 1 Live Video Support

Create Community

  • Unlimited communities inside Soulpreneurs App

  • Automatically add your customers to the community after they sign-up.

  • Download App in App Store

  • Guarantee they will see all of your content versus hit or miss with Facebook.

  • Your courses seamlessly integrated with your community.

  • Create unlimited Groups for your course or membership

  • Designed like Facebook Groups

  • GO LIVE inside your groups

  • Push Notifications that go directly to their phones.


  • Unlimited Recordings

  • Host up to 50 people

  • Simplicity is Queen

  • Screen Share

  • Backgrounds

Trigger Links

VIP White Glove Service

(once your funnels, courses, community and workflows are ready to go, we will hook all of your areas up and test them for you)

Priority Support

Build your own Branded Web-App

We are partnered with HoneyCommb to give you the most comprehensive, full-featured community software solution there is. 

We provide a seamless experience from your funnel created inside Soul Software that leads to your own branded App.

Your App Includes:


Live Streaming

File uploads

Personalized Home Feed

Post Creation Groups

Group Chat Room

Direct Messaging

Content Discovery

Custom Profiles

Activity Feed

Unlimited Administrators

$89 + add-on per mo.

(starting at)


Native E-Commerce

+ $20 per mo. E-commerce


Meta Ads Creator

(Facebook & Instagram)

+ $99 Meta Ads Creator


Dedicated Account Manager

+$99 Add-On

Build your own Branded Mobile App

Native IOS and Google Play App

We Manage it for you!

Updated For You!

We are partnered with HoneyCommb to give you the most comprehensive, full-featured community software solution there is. 

We provide a seamless experience from your funnel created inside Soul Software that leads to your own branded App.

Your App Includes:


Live Streaming

File uploads

Personalized Home Feed

Post Creation Groups

Group Chat Room

Direct Messaging

Content Discovery

Custom Profiles

Activity Feed

Unlimited Administrators

$300 add-on per mo.

(starting at)

Have your own app already?

Perhaps you've grown a community on HoneyCommb, Heartbeat, Circle, or Mighty Networks and you'd like to create a seamless experience for your clients?

  • $500 one time fee for connecting Zap to workflow and a personalized instructional video for you to be able to make these connections when creating new programs and workflows.

  • Depending on the platform allowances - You can setup a flow that after purchase this will allow your new clients to be auto-added to your app, and added to the groups of your choice inside of your app.

  • $300 per mo. maintenance and running these zaps for you. Includes



per mo. when paid annually ($1,055)

$99 per mo. when paid monthly

  • 0 transaction fees

  • Unlimited Service, Digital & Physical Products

  • Social Link Templates

  • Custom Templates

  • Unlimited Websites

  • Unlimited Landing Pages

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Customers

  • Unlimited Forms

  • Date Credits: $10 Rollover per mo.

    Approximately 632 texts or 588 mins in calls or 7,407 emails or 74,075 AI words

  • Unlimited Email Marketing

    • unlimited using your own smtp provider

    • Or use your data credits

  • Chat Support

  • Reputation Management | Reviews

  • Texting (data credits apply)

  • AI words (data credits apply)

  • Unlimited Funnels with Plug & Play Templates

  • Advanced Automations

  • Affiliate Manager

  • Blogs

  • Social Media Planner

  • Unlimited Online Appointments

  • Unlimited Courses and Products

  • WHITE LABELED Course App

  • All Reporting

  • Soul Connect

    • Unlimited Video Conferencing

    • Unlimited Video Recording

    • Unlimited Groups

    • Unlimited Task Management.Evergreen Webinar Hosting

  • Trigger Links

  • SMS / Text Template Creator

Add-Ons $99 each per mo. (all add-ons must be paid annually)

  • Priority Support

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • VIP White Glove Service

  • once your funnels, courses, community and workflows are ready to go, we will hook all of your areas up and test them for you.

  • Monthly Strategy Calls With Our Team



per mo. when paid annually ($1990)

$199 per month when paid monthly

  • 0 transaction fees

  • Unlimited Service, Digital & Physical Products

  • Social Link Templates

  • Custom Templates

  • Unlimited Websites

  • Unlimited Landing Pages

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Customers

  • Unlimited Forms

  • Date Credits: $30 Rollover per mo.

    Approximately 1,898 texts or 1,764 mins in calls or 22,222 emails or 222,225 AI words.

    (Rollover reset every calendar year. Text rates may differ as per region.)

  • Unlimited Email Marketing

    • unlimited using your own smtp provider

    • Or use your data credits

  • Chat Support

  • Reputation Management | Reviews

  • Texting (data credits apply)

  • AI words (data credits apply)

  • Unlimited Funnels with Plug & Play Templates

  • Advanced Automations

  • Affiliate Manager

  • Blogs

  • Social Media Planner

  • Unlimited Online Appointments

  • Unlimited Courses and Products

  • WHITE LABELED Course App

  • All Reporting

  • Soul Connect

    • Unlimited Video Conferencing

    • Unlimited Video Recording

    • Unlimited Groups

    • Unlimited Task Management.Evergreen Webinar Hosting

  • Trigger Links

  • SMS / Text Template Creator


    • Unlimited communities inside Soulpreneurs App

      • Automatically add your customers to the community after they sign-up.

      • Download App in App Store

      • Guarantee they will see all of your content versus hit or miss with Facebook.

      • Your courses seamlessly integrated with your community.

      • Create unlimited Groups for your course or membership

      • Designed like Facebook Groups

      • GO LIVE inside your groups

      • Push Notifications that go directly to their phones.



per mo. when paid annually ($3330)

$333 per mo. when paid monthly

  • 0 transaction fees

  • Unlimited Service, Digital & Physical Products

  • Social Link Templates

  • Custom Templates

  • Unlimited Websites

  • Unlimited Landing Pages

  • Unlimited Contacts

  • Unlimited Customers

  • Unlimited Forms

  • Date Credits: $50 Rollover Credits Approximately 3164 texts or 2941 mins in calls or 37,037 emails or 370,375 AI words.

    (Rollover reset every calendar year. Text rates may differ as per region.)

  • Unlimited Email Marketing

    • unlimited using your own smtp provider

    • Or use your data credits

  • Chat Support

  • Reputation Management | Reviews

  • Texting (data credits apply)

  • AI words (data credits apply)

  • Unlimited Funnels with Plug & Play Templates

  • Advanced Automations

  • Affiliate Manager

  • Blogs

  • Social Media Planner

  • Unlimited Online Appointments

  • Unlimited Courses and Products

  • WHITE LABELED Course App

  • All Reporting

  • Soul Connect

    • Unlimited Video Conferencing

    • Unlimited Video Recording

    • Unlimited Groups

    • Unlimited Task Management.Evergreen Webinar Hosting

  • Trigger Links

  • SMS / Text Template Creator


    • Unlimited communities inside Soulpreneurs App

      • Automatically add your customers to the community after they sign-up.

      • Download App in App Store

      • Guarantee they will see all of your content versus hit or miss with Facebook.

      • Your courses seamlessly integrated with your community.

      • Create unlimited Groups for your course or membership

      • Designed like Facebook Groups

      • GO LIVE inside your groups

      • Push Notifications that go directly to their phones.

      • Dedicated Account Manager

      • 1-on-1 Live Video Support

  • Dedicated Account Manager

  • 1-on-1 Live Video Support


  • $50 data credit**

  • Native E-Commerce

  • Meta Ads Creator

Your Own Branded Community App

We are partnered with HoneyCommb to give you the most comprehensive, full-featured community software solution there is. 

We provide a seamless experience from your funnel created inside Soul Software that leads to your own branded App.

Your App Includes:

Community Live Streaming

File uploads

Personalized Home Feed

Post Creation Groups

Group Chat Room

Direct Messaging

Content Discovery

Custom Profiles

Activity Feed

Unlimited Administrator

+ $300 per mo. In App-Stores

Everything Above in Your Own Branded Community App plus:

Native IOS and Google Play

We Managed for you!

Updated for you!

Have your own app already?

Perhaps you've grown a community on HoneyCommb, Heartbeat, Circle, or Mighty Networks and you'd like to create a seamless experience for your clients?

  • $500 one time fee for connecting Zap to workflow and a personalized instructional video for you to be able to make these connections when creating new programs and workflows.

  • Depending on the platform allowances - You can setup a flow that after purchase this will allow your new clients to be auto-added to your app, and added to the groups of your choice inside of your app.

  • $300 per mo. maintenance and running these zaps for you. Includes

Ready Set


How easy is it to get started & set-up?

The 1-on-1 support that Soul Software gives is something our competitors just can't beat.

We have a white-glove service for every member that comes into Soul Software. On a video call we hook up your domain.

Within an hour we will have your email, calendar, payment integrations, and social integrations ready to go.

Within a few tutorials, you'll have ease with building your website and automating your funnel.

How many members/ Contacts can I have?

We do not limit how many contacts or members you have in your email list, membership list, or inside the app.

How reliable is Soul Software?

We are built to scale and be the fastest and most reliable in the industry. While Soul Software is new, our partner development company has worked with over 10,000 agencies over the years to build-out custom marketing and design platforms.

The foundation of Soul Software's leveraged infrastructure and architecture is Google Cloud Technology. Our suppliers and partners manage millions of users and peak bandwidth exceeding 100,000 requests per second.

Did you build all of your Software from scratch?

Absolutely NOT!

Our problem that we are solving is not the lack of great software developments in the industry.

What we do is curate software to create an experience within the software that makes it is easier to use and create so you have more time to do what you love!

Soul Software at its core is not a development company. It is a curated platform that utilizes the best developments from a variety of different developers. We are unique in that we are not limited to how fast developers of one company create, we love to find new developers to aid our clients in always receiving the best of the best. Not only this but we are focused on two key areas Engagement and Community!

We have worked for two years behind the scenes to deliver proprietary swipe-copy, funnels, websites, API tools to help your clients seamlessly move from purchase to your community and courses. We have also created countless support tools, and have a white glove service to all of our clients and affiliates.

We work with some proprietary developers along with

some large heavy hitters in the development world.

We do not disclose all of our developers publicly on our website because our eco-system as a whole is what creates our proprietary brand.

However, if you are tech savvy or have been in another software system that looks similar, you may recognize our back-office. This is the background engine that is at the heart of the innovation you'll see with some of our core systems. These are leading-edge developers that have been backed by over 70 million dollars and are serving over thousands of developers, agencies and private labels around the globe.

Are there any transaction fees?

Soul Software does not charge any transaction or credit card fees, though the payment processor (Stripe, PayPal or will charge a standard transaction fee, which may vary based on your location. The fees are charged by the processor and not associated with our plans.

How does the free trial work?

Choose which plan you'd like to test? Then, after 14 days, your card will be charged for the plan that you chose.

Is Soul Software Encrypted and GDPR Compliant?

We take the protection of your and your customer's personal data very seriously and treat personal data verify confidentially and in accordance with the statutory data protection regulations and this data protection declaration. Data is always encrypted at rest. It's always encrypted in transit. You know, we're utilizing both primarily Google Cloud but also a little of Amazon AWS, both of which are that then they themselves GDPR compliance.

Can I incorporate Wordpress with Soul Software?

Yes! We host WordPress sites!! With our new integration technology, we will host your WordPress site for an additional $14.99 a month with whichever plan that you select.

For Enterprise Support please fill out the form below and our Sales Team will reach out.

We look forward to customizing a plan that meets your needs

(314) 902-9711

@ 2023 Soulpreneurs Association LLC All rights reserved