Take yourself & business

to the next level.

All-in-one Platform:

All the pieces of your business will come together.

Beautiful pages, funnels, gorgeous inbound & outbound emails,

Track your emails, text messages, &

social media DM all in one place;

unlimited elegant websites, funnels,

payments, analytics, subscriptions, memberships, the most powerful and easy to use

automation on the market, communities, LIVE video features,

unlimited storage + more.

Best Pricing on the market:

Grow with us. We have pricing plans

that beat all of our competitors.

Make more money now!

Make it easy for customers to pay.

text to pay, one-time payments, trials, subscriptions, and one-click upsells.

Have a back-office that's more like your personal playground, and an app that does most of the marketing for you. We drive your ideal customers into one place so you can stick to doing what you do best; build relationships, live your passion and serve your community.

Our goal:

To allow you more time and money

with software that not only replaces dozens of tools & subscriptions,

but actually makes your life easier, not harder in doing so.

Top 5

All-In-One platform needs that teachers, speakers, and coaches say they need.

Teachers, speakers, and coaches say that from start to finish, their site, funnel, and communications need to work smoothly, and seamlessly together.

They're tired of piecing together programs and want to have their calendar, texting, and email to all talk to each other, without complicated zaps or jumping from site to site.

They must have out-of-this-world techy support.

Not only do we have support handy and ready, but we also offer white-glove service, which will help you set up your domains, email, and other things that slow down your process. We will also help you migrate your products and funnels from another platform when you purchase the annual flow or momentum plan.

Community space that serves as social media but is more focused, less distracting for your clients, and they can share and spread the word.

They would love a place to create community, have their subscription memberships/ courses, and go live.

Their launch needs to be easier to automate!

Most automation systems out there are clunky and hard to use.

Swipe Copy - Converting emails & texts

When creating a launch, teachers, speakers, and coaches also have to create all of the emails and texts that go out. They benefit greatly by having templates that make it easy for them to sit down and create their original copy, with a structure that is proven to convert.


Sell not just memberships and courses, but their products too.

There needs to be seamless integration with Shopify ... COMING SOON!

Pick and choose

which tools you need

for your business to run smoothly.

Unlimited calendars that easily hook up to your site.

Text message you and your clients.

Go Live and be seen by a larger wellbeing community.

Host your community in a focused good vibe social space.

Beautiful email campaigns that deliver in alignment with your texts, calendar, & sites.

Gorgeous website templates, that connect seamlessly.

Step by step funnel that will lead your people from option, form, to purchase.

Create a Media Channel that houses your vlogs and blogs.

Create unlimited products, courses, memberships.

Unlimited Video and content Storage.

Connect all of the tools and tell them when to go. Automate your courses, text messages and emails from one place.

One conversation thread that shares the whole journey of your potential or client.

Not everyone needs ALL the things!

So we created 3 different options to keep things easeful.


$47 per mo.

All in one place

  • Replace Calendly or Acuity ($8)
  • Replace Wix or Squarespace ($23)
  • Replace Community or Texedly ($15)
  • Replace Hubspot or Zoho ($14)
  • Replace Convertkit or Flodesk ($38)
  • Gain 2-way texting and emails
  • Gain reputation management
  • Gain text to pay
  • Gain missed call text back
  • Gain unlimited secret and private communities
  • Go Live inside your community


$97 per mo.

All-in-one platform

  • Replace all from the Ease Plan +
  • Replace Kajabi or Kartra ($99+)
  • Replace ClickFunnels (+99+)
  • Replace Active Campaign ($15+)
  • Replace Typeform or jotform ($25+)
  • Gain Funnels that are easier to manage and get going.
  • Gain reporting that is streamlined and easier to follow not just in charts, but also in each individual contact.


$197 per mo.

Automation Magic

  • All of the EASE and FLOW PLAN+
  • Replace the highest level of Kajabi, Kartra, Ontraport, or Keap ($399+)
  • Replace hard to use pipelines, triggers, and campaigns (priceless)
  • Gain a high-powered workflow automation system that anyone can follow and use.
  • Gain a house for email and texting templates that you can use over and over again for single use or for bulk actions.
  • Gain 2,222 text messages included in your plan per mo.

A quick guide to compare plans